My first post. Why I blog?

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This is my first post on internet. I´m very happy. I´ve been thinking about writing online since 2020 but only after 3 years I really started.

So this post is more an "introduction" about what I´m gonna do here. But to be honest, I don´t really know what I´m gonna write/share here.

The thing is if I really want to become a writer I need to start somewhere. Like everything in life. How can you pretend to be a writer if you don´t write? How can you pretend to be a musician if you don´t play music? How can you pretend to be an artist if you don´t create things?

Well there is only one way:

First you need to start doing things, then you need to continue doing things.

Second you need to continue trying and getting better until you get there.